All I can say is WOW. What a great birthday!
The staff and I want thank everyone that came in and shared with us our 4th Birthday Celebration. Thank you for all the best wishes.
You our customer is what makes the shop a success and I am so thankful to all of you. Never in my wildest imagination did I think the shop would have so many wonderful customers.
We drew for the door prizes and have contacted the winners. When they pick up their prize I will obtain permission to list their names on the blog.
Bob and I want to thank the staff for all their hard work making the day flow so well.
I want to thank Bob (my better half) for keeping the cake cut, and distributed to all of you and for socializing with the husbands.
Denise Gebing said "the measurement of success is not by the money that is made but can be measured in other ways." I can say that A Quilter's Oasis is truly a success because of all the wonderful people/friends that have come into my life in the last 4 years. Thank you to all who make it such a joy.